Saturday, January 19, 2008

meet josh jetson

Last weekend our friends Becky and Josh stopped by Chicago between stops their NYC and Portland, OR stops. We did coffee, dinner, Wii and discovered something amazing. Well, discovered may be the wrong word. More shown I guess. We are no Ponce de Leon.

What Josh showed us was that we can video chat with friends through iChat on our Macbook.  Did you know this?  I was shocked.  Simply shocked.  So, we tested it.  I sat at the dinner table and Josh walked into the kitchen.  10 feet away.  It worked.

The true test, though, came when I saw my cousin Mike logged into his AOL IM and next to his name was a little video icon. (This was difficult as I had to first try and remember my password which I hadn't used for at least 4 years and then try and remember who all these random IM names belong to.  WILDMAN723?  Must have known him during my crazy and wild days.  If you are reading this mr. wildman723 drop me a line.  Let's reconnect.  Talk about old times.)

So, I clicked the icon, it rang all the way in Denver, and the next thing I know I am having a conversation with Mike like he was there in my kitchen.  Amazing!  He gave Brooke and I a tour of his and Amy's apartment, showed us some of his self created art and then we talked about Zelda and how cool it is going to be when we can race each other on MarioKart when it comes out.  So cool.

So, if any of you have an iSight on their 'puter just let me know and let's chat like neighbors.

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