Friday, April 18, 2008

nice knowing you all, thanks again for reading

Welcome to the end of days. The apocalypse, the second coming, the rapture, the big kicking of the really big bucket, putting the K in the Kabosh, one step closer to an imploding sun turning into a blackhole and sucking our pleasant little Earth right into it.

My proof? Well, earthquakes in the midwest and cougars in the city. My prediction for the next sign? Penguins. A whole flock of penguins, in our apartment.

Waddle Waddle


t said...

considering it's getting about as warm in Antarctica as it is here, i wouldn't be surprised.


Anonymous said...

Ok, let's talk about the fact that for about half of that video I actually thought it was real. Then, I thought, no, I would have heard of this already, but then I was filled with self-doubt. The things you do to me Josh...

Josh said...

Dude, I totally questioned myself too and so did Brooke. So you're not alone!