Wednesday, June 20, 2007

11: thou shalt not hit orange construction barrels

A couple of days ago the Vatican issued a new set of 10 commandments. Now, instead of the whole "don't covet or steal" stuff, they address a bigger problem in the world: driving. I must say that this is a vast improvement over the outdated ones Moses carried around. This is the web 2.0 generation, not the "let's carry around stone tablets" generation.

Today, I took a business trip to Decatur IL . Decatur is about 3 hrs from my office and to get there one must take I55 much of the way. I have taken the trip several times now and it never ceases to amaze me how incredibly boring corn fields are. Sure, it is beautiful in that "sea to shining sea" kind of way but mostly it is just a lot of green. Broken up by the occasional field of green beans.

Thankfully, for entertainments sake, there were plenty of folks on the road who apparently forgot (or just TOTALLY ignored) their copy of the 10 commandments of the road...sinners. First, a car ended up in the ditch after forgetting to check the blind spot. Everybody was safe but the blue car did mow down a sign like it was a weed.

Then, closer to home, we heard a strange thumping sound. Behind us, a brand new silver Nissan Maxima smacked right into an orange construction barrel (in a Hummer, tempting. In a Nissan, stupid). And the barrel, instead of bouncing off, was stuck to the front of his car like a squashed cicada.

It was likely not bouncing off because this guy kept speeding up until, in a moment of pure genius, he slammed on his breaks sending the barrel into the middle of the highway behind us; ticking off plenty of motorist who I doubt had their commandments list on hand reminding them that driving "shall be for you a means of communion between people and not of mortal harm."

1 comment:

t said...

Oh the travails of IL highways. Be careful, broil.