Thursday, March 6, 2008


Today, the guys at work began forwarding around emails with YouTube links to hockey fights. Big brawls with guys getting their teeth knocked out. People in the crowd shouting. Kids crying.

So, feeling a little left out, I forwarded on my own link.

PS: be sure to watch the whole video


Adam said...

umm... ew?

Anonymous said...

Oh my, that is just about the funniest thing I've seen in a long, that says a lot.

Josh said...

Mike, I laughed all day yesterday after watching that too. Great humor...ummm, laugh alike? The funny thing is the videos name is "how to stop a cat fight."

Anonymous said...

Hey, they say great minds think a like...and so do ours.

blog author said...

Ooookay, David and I snuggled in to watch the cute little kitty video. Then... ewwww. Seriously.

David asked, "Why did they put that on there?" I replied, "Ummm, because they were sad that the one little kitty got sick?"

Poor kitty.

Laura said...

Josh, a tad too graphic for me!