Tuesday, March 4, 2008

it's uno the beagle day today!

In case you missed it, today is Uno the Beagle Day here in Illinois to honor the pup that won Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club show and yesterday it was Casimir Pulaski Day. I know the latter as "Brooke and her teacher friends have the day off day but nobody else." Day. And this they totally deserve because I will be the first to say teachers have a job more difficult than any other.

Unless it is your job is to lift really heavy rocks everyday, all day, all night. I'd find that tough. But even then, you would have to add a 3rd grader kicking your shins, 5 others breaking all your pencils, and half a dozen more just spinning around in circles bumping into you and everything else in the room...just to be in the ballpark.

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