Thursday, July 5, 2007

my those buildings are tall

This summer, Brooke and I are attempting to be tourists in our own city. One weekend we took a tour of Frank Lloyd Wright's Home and Studio, which we highly recomend if you are visiting. However, a quick glance at the Wikipedia page and I see that the guide kind of sugar coated Mr. Wright's personal life. This is fine since we're taking a tour of his architecural abilities but in today's People and Us magazine world I sure would like to know that while designing his neighbor Edward Cheney's house he took a liking to Cheney's wife, Mamah Borthwick Cheney, and fell in love. Facinating. Like Brangalina of the 1900's. FranMah.

Tuesday night, July 3, Brooke and I took the El into the loop to see the city fireworks. The masses were gathering in Grant Park so we thought it would be smart to stay north of that. We layed our blanket down near Oak Street beach and had ourselves a picnic, reveling in the fact that we were so much smarter than everyone else. The picnic was delicious and we were having a fabulous time. Maybe 400 people had gathered around our spot by 9:30 when we all heard the booming of the fireworks. Looking around and straining our necks we thought there must be a mistake. How can we hear them but not see them? What terrible fireworks! Just booming? Psssh, whatever man. I threw a better fireworks show in the cornfields of Hudsonville.

We soon realized, though, that they weren't shooting them off where we thought they were going to and we had no view whatsoever. Some really big buildings happened to be in the way.

So, we hopped on the el and went back home. Nevertheless, it was one great date.

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